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It's debilitating that your weeks or months have been filled with difficult emotions...
And your daily and social lives have seemed to be affected.

If you have been feeling not OK these days, we see you. 
Hold on! There are things that can help you feel better and you will see the light.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise not only can boost serotonin, endorphins and other feel-good brain chemicals, but also foster the growth of new brain cells and connections, just like antidepressants do.

Best of all, you don't need to train for a marathon to get the benefits. Even a half-hour daily walk can make a big difference

If it's safe, aim for 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity on most days.

2. Social Support

Strong social networks reduce the sense of isolation. Keep in regular contact with friends and family.

But how to connect with a friend during an isolating time?

1. Call then while on a walk

2. Send them a card just because you miss them

3. Have a dinner date by ZOOM 

4. Send them messages & be honest about how you feel even when it's hard

5. Watch the same show & text about it

Remember this too shall pass, and you will be able to hug your friends one day, or you can join a new face-to-face class or group agin! 

3. Nutrition

Eating well is important for both your physical and mental health.

Eating enough, well-balanced meals throughout the day will help you keep your energy up and minimise mood swings. 

While you may be drawn to sugary foods for the quick boost they provide, complex carbohydrates are a better choice. They'll get you going without the all-too-soon sugar crash.

4. Sleep

Sleep deprivation exacerbates irritability, moodiness, sadness & fatigue. So, make sure you get adequate sleep each night. 

It is necessary to cultivate a good sleeping habit. You can start by limiting screen time at night, and make sure your bedroom is dark enough when you sleep.

Aim for between 7 to 9 hours every day

5. Stress Reduction

Living with high levels of stress will put your well-being at risk. Hence, effective stress management is important.


1. Identify sources of stress in your life 

2. Make time for fun & relaxation

3. Create & follow a daily routine and schedule to let yourself feel grounded

4. Reframe problems. Try to alter your perspectives towards stressful events and situations. See them in a positive light.

If you do not have someone whom you will feel safe to share your emotions and problems with, or if your symptoms are severe, it is better for you to get help from the professionals. 

© 2022 by Care & Beyond - Wellness Services Co. Ltd.






康草堂有限公司,香港九龍彌敦道301-309號, 嘉賓商業大廈803室

Arnold Plus Healthcare,香港銅鑼灣恆隆中心1410室

查詢電話 / WhatsApp: +852 6289 8638

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